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Ouzo is a distillate. Alcohol of agricultural origin, herbs (mainly anise) and water are placed in pot stills and distilled. The product of distillation incorporates the aromas of the herbs, so it becomes attractive for consumption. Before bottling, it is diluted to obtain a tolerable alcoholic strength.
Ouzo of Plomari, Ouzo Babatzim and Ouzo Varvayanni are the most famous in Konstantakopoulos liquor store.
There is no ouzo without anise! The legislation itself requires its use in the preparation of ouzo. In no case should it be confused with tsipouro without anise.
Ideally, ouzo is served cold. The proper temperature is set by the ice cubes in the glass and not by refrigerating ouzo itself.
The intense personality of ouzo requires intense dishes. Foods of sea origin are the most suitable.
Water, alcohol of agricultural origin and herbs are sealed in a copper vessel. Distillation follows and a spirit with a strong aroma and taste is obtained. The spirit is diluted with water to gain a lower alcoholic strength. Now, it can be called ouzo. Alternatively, alcohol aromatized with herbs through infusion can also be added to the spirit, as long as it does not exceed 80% of the mixture.
The bottle must be placed upright, so that the ouzo does not come into contact with the cap. Storage must be done outside the refrigerator, to avoid clouding of the drink.
Best known of all is ouzo from Lesvos. This particular island is considered the home of ouzo. Ouzo from Chios island follows, while ouzo from the city of Kalamata is also quite famous.
Ouzo lovers will appreciate any label, as long as it bears the name of an established distiller.
Primarily, the flavor of ouzo is determined by the herbs used in the preparation. Certainly the flavor will be dominated by anise, but other herbs, if any, have an important contribution. Such are fennel and mastic. Quality is determined by the distillation percentage. A 100% distilled product is of higher quality and more palate-"friendly", compared to a product that results when alcohol flavored through distillation is mixed with alcohol flavored through infusion.