
Black - Stout Beer

Are you looking for unique, but at the same time tasty Black Beers? Then you are in the right category. Find branded black beers in bottles or cans.

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Aecht Schlenkerla Rauchbier One Way 500ml

3.74 €

Chios Beer Smoked Robust Porter One Way 330ml

2.75 €

Guinness Draught Can 440ml

3.36 €

Guinness Draught Can 440ml Four Pack

13.47 €

Mandy Black One Way 330ml

2.95 €

Murphy's Can 500ml

3.11 €

Nissos 7 Beaufort One Way 330ml

2.86 €

Frequently Asked Questions

01What makes Black Beers different from other beer options?


Apart from their color, Black Beers have a stronger body and foam less than ordinary beers. They are also creamier, more bitter and heavier in aroma.

02Which Black Beers options do you have for someone who has never tried one before?


A Greek-origin Dark Beer is an ideal start, be it Mandy Black, Chios Smoked Robust Porter, or Νήσος 7 Μποφόρ. Their rich and, at the same time, distinctive character makes them suitable as an introduction to the magical world of Black Beer.

03Are Black Beers recommended for casual beer drinkers?


Usually not, but the open-minded consumer will appreciate it, even if they enjoy beer occasionally.

04 How are taste and aroma described in Black Beers?


The main aroma and flavour characteristics of Black Beer are related to tobacco, chocolate and coffee. The cornerstone sense of cereals combines perfectly with them, while the botanical dimension of hops comes to beautifully complete the organoleptic “picture”.

05Is there any difference between Black Beers, depending on the region of production?


Northerner Dark Beers are usually heavier than southern ones. They have a stronger smoky dimension, while their tannins are more noticeable.

06What is the ideal occasion to enjoy a Black Beer?


Their dark color probably suits the night. Someone would also say that Black Beers are the wintriest of all.

07Are there specific Black Beers recommended for food pairings?


Grilled sausages with cabbage and carrot salad go incredibly well with a strong Aecht Schlenkerla or a Guinness. Νήσος 7 Μποφόρ and Chios Smoked Robust Porter are excellent accompaniments to dishes with mushrooms and caramelized onions or roasted vegetables with pork marinated in balsamic vinegar.

08How can I properly store Black Beers to preserve their flavor?


In the refrigerator, ie. away from sunlight and at a temperature suitable for consumption. Feel free to leave them in the freezer for a few minutes before enjoying them.

09 Any suggestions on how to best serve Black Beer?


Bulky, standard beer glasses are considered the most suitable. Ideally, the temperature should be slightly below 5°C. Those who like to mix can combine white rum and dark beer, in a ratio of 1:3, adding some cola afterwards.

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