Discover White Wine, Rosé Wine and Red Wine Bags, at best prices. There are dry, semi-dry, semi-sweet and sweet wine bags, to satisfy every preference.
It is just wine, not in the classic glass bottle of 750 mL, but in a special package, usually 5 L. This package is a cardboard box. A bag of special material lies inside it, where the wine is kept. This package has a small tap, for easy serving of the wine. Wine in a bag is cheaper, but not inferior in quality. The packaging is easier to transport and has a smaller environmental footprint.
Starting with white wines, we would recommend Moschofilero of Giorgos Lafazanis, Muscat Hamburg of Tyrnavos Cooperative Winery and Βοροινός of Zoinos Winery. Moving on to rosé wines, two fine choices are Astir X Winery's Faré and Vaeni Cooperative Winery's Ταξίμι. Finally, our red recommendations include Black Mesenicola of Monsieur Nicolas Estate and Syrah & Cabernet Sauvignon or Syrah & Merlot blends of Migas Estate.
It usually ranges from 15 to 20 euros, depending on the producer and the grape variety.
Due to the special construction of the bag, the wine can be kept for up to one and a half months after opening. Storage must necessarily be done in a shady and cool place.
While packages of this size are manufactured, retail stores usually do not stock them due to their heavy weight.
Muscat Hamburg of Migas Estate and Tyrnavos Cooperative Winery is always popular. Also beloved are Karela’s Mavrodaphne and Astir X Winery’s Malagouzia.
Of course! In many grape varieties and from many producers.
The ever-increasing preference of consumers and professionals towards the wine bag proves its suitability. It keeps the characteristics of the wine intact for a respectable period of time, as long as the correct storage conditions are applied.