
Lambou Bros.

It all started in 1950, when the Lambou brothers decided to settle in Kalamata and engage in confectionery. Their activity did not take long to honor pasteli, this traditional Greek sweet. Today, the company of Afon Lambos distributes its products throughout Greece, but also in all countries abroad.


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Lambou Sesame Seed Bar 60gr

2.00 €

Lambou Sesame Bar Just Honey 60gr

2.00 €

Lambou Sesame Bar 100 % Honey with Olive Polyphenols 30gr

1.50 €

Lambou Sesame Bar Just Honey 40gr

1.50 €

Lambou Sesame Bar 100 % Honey with Sultanina Raisins 40gr

1.50 €

Lambou Sesame Bar 100 % Honey with Pistachios 40gr

1.50 €

Lambou Sesame Bar 100 % Honey with Crannberries 40gr

1.50 €

Lambou Premium Box Super Bites

13.73 €
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